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All hyperlinks have been updated July 2021.


This resource was designed with the Alberta Grade 2 Social Studies curriculum and outcomes in mind. I have designed this resource in no set lesson plan. Use the resources in this pack in a way that best suits your classroom of learners and the particular community in which you live in. Pick and choose what activities you would like your students to complete.


In this resource, students will begin their journey into the past by developing their historical thinking. They then will complete a mini PBL project on the past involving either schools, houses, transportation, entertainment, communication or clothing. These activities really get them thinking about what life was like in the past. This unit also has a section on the early life in Alberta and what it was like, especially with fur trading and why people chose to settle here and in their own community.


Before purchasing this resource, it's important to know that QR codes are present in a lot of the activities. (Website addresses are also given so if you don't have devices, you can still access the information via a computer). 55 website links!


There are opportunities to learn about the First Nations, Francophones, historical buildings, famous Alberta contributors from our past, and then delving deeper into how their community became settled. There is also an opportunity to compare their community in the past with the other communities that were studied in Grade 2.


What's included?

- mini PBL project

- lots of inquiry and research available

- 68 pages of resources

- make butter

- rubrics

- assessment ideas

- research ideas

- printables

- cooperative learning activities

- QR code activities

- website links


Please feel free to share with other teachers at your own school but please purchase additional licenses to share with others.


Click here for other Grade 2 Social Resources available:

Mapping Skills

What is a community?

Adventure to Meteghan

Journey to Iqaluit

Springtime in Saskatoon

Bundle of all 3 Social Units

Show what you know - Google Social Assessment Task


I appreciate your feedback! If you have any ideas or concerns, please email me directly at


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Total Pages: 70 pages

Answer Key: N/A

Teaching Duration: 2 months

A Community in the Past - An Alberta Grade 2 Social Studies Resource

Excluding GST/HST

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