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150 conversation starters now in digital presentation form. Also included are the original printable cards.


This product has many of the same prompts that are in the Writing Prompt resource. Which is perfect if you would rather have your students record their responses.


Included in this packet are 150 conversation starters. Each card has a different question on it with a variety of topics, to get a conversation started with someone.

"Would you rather....?"

"What would you ...?"

"Which would you prefer...?"

and many more.


Using these in the classroom helps to work on vocabulary, language, listening, oral and social communication skills. They provide great meaningful conversations amongst your students. They really make kids stop and think (and giggle). Great for transition times, daily 5, morning meetings, practice fluency, there is no right or wrong answer, use as a debate tool, have spontaneous discussions and most importantly…..getting kids to talk!


Can be used with a partner, small groups or whole class. Teaching students to talk and listen to each other is very important in our classrooms.


Print out the cards. Laminate them. Stick them in a box or tub. Student pulls a card out, reads it and then answers it. Next person does the same. You can really use these in any way that fits into your classroom. Also included is 150 slides you can project on your smartboard or screen. This is great for whole class viewing.


Above all…..get your kids talking!


Please feel free to share with other teachers at your own school but please purchase additional licenses to share with others.


I appreciate your feedback! If you have any ideas or concerns, please email me directly at


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Total Pages: 18 pages, 150 slides

Answer Key: N/A

Teaching Duration: N/A

Conversation Starters - Get kids talking!

Excluding GST/HST

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