In this resource you will find 25 designs in French for the Lightbox. They include seasonal and special day designs. They were designed with the Heidi Swapp Lightbox in mind.
Bonne Fête (fille/garçon)
des lettres
Bienvenue dans la salle
Ce sera une année brilliante
Bienvenue (en) `a la maternelle, première année, deuxiéme année, troisiéme année, quatriéme année, cinquiéme année, sixiéme année
Bienvenue à notre salle de classe
jouons, apprenons, grandissons ensemble
Étoile de la semaine
Joyeux Halloween – BOO
jours avant l'Halloween (comprend les numéros)
Joyeux Action de Graçes
jours avant Noël (comprend les numéros)
Joyeux Noël
C’est l’hiver
Joyeux Saint Valentin
actes aléatoires de gentilesse
Joyeux 100e jour
C’est le 100e jour d’école
Joyeuse Saint Patrice
Prenons soins de la terre
vive le printemps
Joyeuses Paques
L’été est arrivé!
Also includes editable templates for your own designs
How to print:
These are easy to print. You can use translucent vellum or transparencies. Make sure they are compatible with your printer (they come in laser jet, ink jet and photo copier). I use transparencies from Staples and they work quite good.
Each design is spread across 2 pages for printing. This allows for the correct sizing in your lightbox. When you print, ensure that you click ‘actual size’, so that the size stays true to the design and lightbox. Once printed, cut along the grey lines and insert into your lightbox. These designs were made with the Heidi Swapp lightbox in mind.
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Total Pages: 55 pages
Answer Key: N/A
Teaching Duration: N/A
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