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Grade 3 Quick Math Assessments for the NEW ALBERTA CURRICULUM IN FRENCH


✅Includes all 92 new outcomes and KUSPs in Number (Adding and Subtraction to 1000, Multiplying and Dividing within 100, Place Value to 10 000, Fractions)Statistics (Data), Patterns (Numerical Sequences), Algebra (Equality with Equations), Time (Telling Time), Measurement (Angles, Length), Geometry (Shape, Transformations).


With the new Alberta Math Curriculum required- we NEED assessments. This resource includes ASSESSMENTS YOU WILL NEED FOR THE ENTIRE GRADE 3


This resource covers all the skills needed to achieve mastery of the outcomes. These were designed to be a one-pager quick assessment. You can use them:

✅ as exit tickets/slips

✅ weekly check-ins
✅ pre-assessment before teaching an outcome

✅ post assessment after teaching an outcome

✅ show what you know

✅ you can even use as a practice sheet
✅ end of unit assessment

They are easy to check (answer key is included), no prep for you other than to photocopy and grade.


I have not broken down each outcome into different stages leading up to mastery of the outcome. For example, I would assess my students in multiplication slowly leading up to 100. I would assess at intervals. This resource just has the multiplication and division within 100 assessment, as that is the outcome set out by Alberta Education.


You will get: 4 PDF files.

-Part 1: All number outcomes (Adding and Subtraction to 1000, Multiplying and Dividing within 100, Place Value to 10 000, Fractions)

-Part 2: Statistics (Data), Patterns (Numerical Sequences), Algebra (Equality with Equations), Time (Telling Time), Measurement (Angles, Length), Geometry (Shape, Transformations).

-Part 1 answer key

-Part 2 answer key


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FRENCH Grade 3 Math Assessments

Excluding GST/HST

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