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Hot & Cold Temperatures

**NEW** Digital component - digital presentation, and 5 self-checking highly engaging games to supplement this already great science resource. Also included, is the worksheet portion in digital format to make it easier to assign to students.

***UPDATED 2022 - Added a full unit in presentation mode. Get all the benefits of the presentation with the worksheets and games included in one URL link. Great for displaying on the smartboard while you teach the unit.


Students will learn about heating and cooling and then infer how hot or cold something is. They will learn about thermometers and how to use them to measure temperatures. This resource contains both Celsius and Fahrenheit pages.

Students will also learn about how to control temperatures in buildings and how insulation is used to keep hot things hot and cold things cold.


This resource can be used alone or in combination with your own resource. It is inquiry in nature and allows students the opportunity to explore, create and reflect on what they are learning about.


All sheets are self-explanatory and no teacher-directed lessons are needed. Opportunities for technology are included. There are numerous chances for assessment opportunities, some that even contain a rubric. A final unit test is also included. All answers are included as well.



•Describe temperatures using the words hotter than and colder than.

•I can measure temperatures using degrees Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F).

•Describe how heating and cooling can change different materials; e.g. melting/freezing/cooking/burning.

•Identify safe ways of handling hot and cold materials so I don’t get hurt.

•Using my temperature to know if there is a change in my health.

•Identify ways that the temperature can be adjusted in homes and buildings.

•Understand how my home and school are heated.

•Describe what insulation is and know where to find it.

•Describe what a conductor is and give an example.

•Identify materials that insulate animals from the cold.

•Design and construct a device to keep something hot or cold.

•Describe ways in which temperature change affects us in our daily lives.




•Comparing hot and cold things

•Hotter and colder than

•Learning about thermometers

•How to read thermometers

•Practice reading thermometers in C or F

•QR code fun

•Temperature for a month

•Make your own thermometer

•Comparing temperatures

•What can I wear?

•Heating and cooling can change things

•Observing changes by heating

•Observing changes by freezing

•Safety rules

•How does temperature affect our daily lives

•Body temperature

•Temperature in homes and buildings

•Conductors of heat and cold

•Insulation and Insulators

•Animal insulation

•How do polar bears keep warm?

•Temperature test (one in C one in F)

•All answer keys


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Total Pages: 70 +

Answer Key: Included

Teaching Duration: 2 months

Hot and Cold Temperatures - A Science Inquiry Unit (Updated)

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