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BASED ON FOUNTAS & PINNELL High frequency words and spelling patterns.

25 words from the Kindergarten list.

**Great for using as flashcards during centers or Daily 5.**

**Great to use as a game - a FUN way to learn high frequency words. **

**Fun way to learn words for ELL's.**

- instructions for how to use as a game.

For Grades 1 - 5 High Frequency Word Game Click here: Grade 1 - 5 Sight Word Game

For other center ideas - check out these other resources:
Word Study BUNDLE activities for Google Drive
Word Study activities for Alphabet Spellers using Google Drive
Word Study activities for Word Pattern Spellers using Google Drive
Word Study activities for Suffix & Affix Spellers using Google Drive
Word Study activities for Derivational Spellers using Google Drive

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Total Pages: 5 pages

Answer Key: N/A

Teaching Duration: N/A

Kindergarten High Frequency Sight Word Game

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